2018年6月20日 星期三

Connect new MMDVM Modem to GM300 Turn To DMR P25 YSF NXDN Digital Repeater or Hotspot

After Connect GM3xx ,GM950i is better,when power on,LED Flash fast,if your MD380 PTT Press,COS LED will ON,so,decode is ok,then you must SEE the BER using DEBUG Port,or in pi-star panel,ADJUST RX_R BER is <=2%,Then Test in Parrot you can hear your voice and PTT LED ON ,testing is Finished! It is Very Easy,I Testing Many Times.

FAQ:what MODE you Tested ? DMR or YSF or P25 I tested is the same.
FAQ:Does i need test Using MMDVMCal Program?If You Tested Fail,Best way Using MMDVMCal To Test GM3XX TX-> Mobile Function.
GM3XX RX-> Function It is Easy To Check Just COS(RECEIVE SIGNAL) LED And MODE LED,if Both LED ON ,GM3XX Rx is work!
FAQ:Does i need to change MMDVM.ini ->TX Invent and RX Invent ?that  is Also Import,in MMDVMCal TX Testing Mode you can Press I to Invent TX to Ensure Your GM3xx is invent or not .
TESTED:GM950i TX Invent =0,RX Invent=0

BEST for Test is GM338 and GM950i ,GM300 TX Freq is not stable ,rx is ok
GM300 need set inside Jumper to Disable 300HZ and 3000HZ filter.
GM950i need set RX AUDIO(FLAT(UNSQUELCHED)Accy Pin 11,and GP1 PTT LOW 3(I/P)  in GP I/O Lines

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